
Underwater Strobes from Sea&Sea

Ausgestattet mit SEA&SEAs neuem Slave-TTL-System namens "DS-TTL ll" Durch die Überarbeitung der Algorithmen für das DS-TTL-System verwendet der YS-D1 ein völlig neues Slave-TTL-System. Das Blitzgerät kann das Intervall zwischen dem Vorblitz und dem Hauptblitz einstellen, so dass es mit einer Vielzahl von Kameras, wenn nicht sogar mit allen, auf dem Markt kompatibel ist. Das Blitzgerät ist mit dem DS-TTL ll-Modus ausgestattet, der reaktionsschneller, präziser und zuverlässiger ist. DS-TTL ll ermöglicht eine Vielzahl von Blitzsynchronisationsaufnahmen wie Slave-TTL und Slave-Manuell (11 Schritte) mit Kompakt- oder digitalen Spiegelreflexkameras. Bei der Verwendung mit einer digitalen Spiegelreflexkamera im Gehäuse kann das Blitzgerät auch mit einem herkömmlichen Synchronisationskabel und über einen YS-Konverter für TTL-Stroboskopaufnahmen angeschlossen werden.  In einer klaren Wasserumgebung sorgen zwei YS-D1-Blitzgeräte im DS-TTL ll-Modus für eine perfekte Beleuchtung.  Wenn du den Kontrast betonen möchtest, bietet die Einstellung des Hauptblitzes im DS-TTL II-Modus und des zweiten Blitzes im manuellen Modus (11 Stufen) Flexibilität, ohne die Kontrolle einzuschränken.  Wenn die Sicht unter Wasser schlecht ist, können zwei YS-D1 im manuellen Modus die besten Bilder liefern. Der YS-D1 ist der vielseitigste Unterwasserblitz auf dem Markt.  Die DS-TTL-Belichtungskompensationsfunktion ermöglicht eine subtile Lichtsteuerung, indem der Lichtpegelregler im DS-TTL-Modus eingestellt wird. Mit nur vier AA-Batterien betrieben, bietet der YS-D1 eine maximale Lichtleistung von Leitzahl 32 Im Vergleich zum YS-110Alpha ist der YS-D1 1 EV leistungsstärker, 50 g leichter und 10 % kleiner. Der YS-D1 eignet sich nicht nur für die Makrofotografie, sondern ist auch robust genug für die Weitwinkelfotografie. Er ist auch ideal für Makroaufnahmen, die eine feinfühlige Steuerung der Lichtstärke erfordern. Die Leitzahl des Blitzes kann auf 1 reduziert werden. Der YS-D1 ist äußerst vielseitig und bietet mehr automatische und manuelle Kontrolle über die Beleuchtung, um die perfekte Belichtung zu erreichen. Der YS-D1 ist das erste TTL-Slave-Blitzgerät der Welt, das mit einer Belichtungskompensationsfunktion (EV) ausgestattet ist. Durch die Steuerung der tatsächlichen Blitzlichtstärke realisiert das Blitzgerät eine genaue Belichtungskompensation mit EV-Wert. Unabhängig davon, ob du eine Kompakt- oder eine Spiegelreflexkamera hast, kannst du jede gewünschte Belichtungskompensation erreichen. Viele TTL-Systeme sind jedoch nicht zuverlässig.  Mit der DS-TTL-Belichtungskompensationsfunktion des YS-D1 kannst du die Lichtstärke im TTL-Modus einstellen (-1,5EV, -1EV, -0,7EV, -0,3EV, +0,3EV, +0,7EV, +1EV, +1,5EV). Eine gut sichtbare dreifarbige LED-Anzeige ist auch während der Aufnahme leicht ablesbar Bereitschaftsanzeige Eine rote LED leuchtet auf, wenn das Blitzgerät aufgeladen und bereit zum Auslösen ist. TTL-Bestätigungslampe Eine grüne LED leuchtet zwei Sekunden lang auf, um die DS-TTLll-Belichtung zu bestätigen. Lampe für den Slave-TTL-Modus Eine blaue LED leuchtet auf, wenn der Blitz auf den Slave-TTL-Modus eingestellt ist, der Blitz aufgeladen wurde und auslösebereit ist. Zwei Zubehör-Diffusoren Bei Makroaufnahmen, bei denen ein breiter Lichtkegel nicht erforderlich ist, sollte kein Diffusor angebracht werden. Wenn eine gleichmäßig starke, kreisförmige 100x100 Lichtleistung gewünscht ist, montiere den Diffusor 100. Wenn ein Weitwinkelobjektiv verwendet wird, sollte der Diffusor 120 angebracht werden. Je nach den Anforderungen des Fotografen können drei Ausstrahlungswinkel gewählt werden. Der YS-D1 ist mit einer Funktion ausgestattet, die automatisch zwischen den Modi Slave und konventionellem Synchrokabel oder umgekehrt umschaltet Der YS-D1 erkennt automatisch, wenn ein Synchrokabel angeschlossen ist, der Slave-Ein/Aus-Schalter ist dann nicht mehr aktiv.  Die einfache Steuerung und Konfiguration ermöglicht eine einfache Bedienung.  Der Lichtstärkeregler rastet ein, um die Einstellung und Bedienung zu erleichtern. Blitzhalterung kann gewählt werden Mit dem herkömmlichen YS-Adapter kann der Bliz nur nach oben und unten bewegt werden. Mit der Kugelhalterung kann der YS-D1 in einer Vielzahl von Winkeln bewegt werden.

YS-01 SOLIS Lighting System
A great value strobe package which includes everything you need to combine the YS-01 SOLIS with most compact camera/housing combo’s. YS-01 SOLIS underwater strobe bySea&Sea Flexarm 280X Single TrayX base plate Fibre optic cable II M

YS-01 SOLIS Underwater Strobe
The YS-01 underwater flash from Seas&Seas, the best-selling flash unit in its class, has been redesigned and now has improved performance. Same DS-TTL ll control as the high-quality Sea&Sea models The DS-TTL ll control circuit helps to automatically emit the correct amount of light based on the light intensity of the camera's built-in flash. The flash allows you to set the light intensity stronger or weaker than the programmed standard exposure. This feature allows even an inexperienced underwater photographer to instinctively control the amount of light they want. Example: If you are using two YS-01 Solis flash units, one on the right and one on the left, and there are white soft corals on the right of your photographic subject, you can subtly reduce the light intensity of the flash unit on the right alone by simply setting the brightness control to minus. With the improved circuitry, you can achieve the desired lighting for all your underwater shots in no time at all. Increased light intensity from the pilot light Compared to the previous model, the light intensity of the focus light of the YS-01 Solis is 40 percent stronger, which has improved the visibility of the light beam and helps you to judge the position of the flash more accurately. Superior light distribution and wide beam angle Due to the exclusively developed prismatic lens, the YS-01 Solis realises a wide beam angle of 100°x 100° with an ideal flat light distribution, even when the accessory diffuser is not attached. With the diffuser, the light becomes softer and the beam angle increases to 110°x 110°.

YS-01 Underwater strobe
Multiple functions combined in a compact design The YS-01 is a new compact slave flash that can be used for all applications from wide-angle to macro photography. Circular beam angle of 100°x100°.  You can switch between DS-TTL (Digital Slave TTL) and a ten-step manual control function to fine-tune the light level according to the photographer's preferences. You can also set up a lighting system that uses two flashes in DS-TTL mode.

YS-03 SOLIS Underwater Srobe
Simple and versatile remote TTL flash Since the YS-03 SOLIS is designed to mimic the light intensity of the camera's built-in flash, it is not necessary to manually adjust the output. The YS-03 SOLIS is compatible with any camera that has a pre-flash and TTL flash exposure function, regardless of make. Simple operation Designed with every underwater photographer in mind, the YS-03 SOLIS is easy to understand and use. The only control is the rotary power switch, and by simply turning the switch from OFF to TTL, you can capture beautiful images. Supplied with diffuser as standard The semi-translucent section diffuses and attenuates the light from the underwater flash. Using the diffuser results in softer, more evenly exposed images. The diffuser also helps to reduce the effects of overexposed images or when strong light creates shadows/shadows in the image. 

YS-03 SOLIS Universal Lightning System
Easy and Versatile Slave TTL As the YS-03 SOLIS has been designed to mimic the light intensity of the camera’s built-in flash, it is not necessary to manually adjust output. The YS-03 SOLIS is compatible with any camera with a pre-flash and that has a TTL flash exposure function, regardless of make. Taken without strobe (ambient light) Taken with the YS-03 SOLIS Simple Controls The YS-03 SOLIS has been designed for any underwater photographer to use and is easy to understand. The only control is the rotary power switch and by simply turning the switch from OFF to TTL you can take beautiful images. Charged and ready to trigger. TTL exposure confirmed. Comes with diffuser as standard The half-translucent section diffuses and softens the light from the strobe. Using the diffuser gives softer, more evenly exposed images. The diffuser will also help reduce effects of overexposed images or when strong light produces shade/shadow in the Image.

YS-03 Underwater Strobe
With this affordable YS-03 model, Sea&Sea offers an underwater flash for all users of small compact cameras. Easy to use, small and compact, it fits in any handbag. It is the ideal companion for your next diving or snorkelling holiday. Capture your favourite holiday experiences in brilliant colour! Fitted with diffuser as standard. The semi-transparent area diffuses and softens the light from the strobe. Using the diffuser results in softer, more even images. The diffuser also helps to reduce the effects of üoverexposed images or when strong light creates shadows/shadows in the image.. Simple and versatile slave TTL. Because the YS-03 is designed to mimic the light intensity of the camera's built-in flash, there is no need to manually adjust the output. The YS-03 is compatible with any camera that has a pre-flash and TTL flash exposure function, regardless of the manufacturer.. Easy control The YS-03 is designed for any underwater photographer and is easy to understand. The only control is the rotary power switch and by simply turning the switch from OFF to TTL, you can take beautiful pictures.

YS-03 Universal Lightning System
A great value strobe package which includes everything you need to combine the YS-03 with most compact camera/housing combo’s. Package includes YS-03 Strobe Flexble Arm 30 & Camera Tray 200 Fiber-Optic Cable II M/2 Connectors

YS-110a Unterwasserblitz von Sea&Sea
Verbessert die Genauigkeit der hervorragenden Leistung des DS-TTL weiter. Dies ist eine neue Art von Blitzgerät, das auf der Grundfunktionalität des YS-110 aufbaut und diese verbessert. Ultimative kreative Effekte mit feinem Lichtausgleich Der YS-110a bietet zahlreiche neue aufregende Funktionen, die eine ganz neue digitale Generation eröffnen. Wenn Sie ihn zum Beispiel über ein Glasfaserkabel an Digitalkameras mit Vorblitzfunktion anschließen, können Sie den YS-110a im vollautomatischen DS-TTL-Einstellmodus (Digital Slave TTL) verwenden. Genießen Sie die volle kreative Kontrolle - wenn Sie die absolute Kontrolle über feine Lichtanpassungen haben möchten, können Sie ein Hauptblitzgerät im DS-TTL-Modus und ein Nebenblitzgerät im manuellen Modus verwenden oder Sie können ein fortschrittliches Beleuchtungssystem mit zwei Blitzgeräten im DS-TTL-Modus einrichten. Die DS-TTL-Einstellfunktion ist auch über das Einstellrad für die Lichtstärke verfügbar, mit dem Sie die Lichtmenge bei Aufnahmen im DS-TTL-Modus fein steuern können. Wenn Sie die Lichteinstellung nicht der Kamera überlassen möchten, können Sie auch aus 13 Stufen der manuellen Steuerung wählen. Der flache, runde Abstrahlwinkel von 105° (mit Diffusor), der durch die ausgewogene Positionierung der 3 Blitzröhren erreicht wird, und die Leistung einer Leitzahl 22 sind Beispiele für die hervorragende Leistung des Blitzes, die selbst die anspruchsvollsten Profis zufriedenstellen wird.

YS-250PRO Underwater Strobe
Sea&Sea's YS flagship model for professionals is fast and powerful with broad coverage: guide number 32, beam angle 105. Amazing power to help you capture any subject you aim at The YS-250PRO is designed for demanding professionals, packed with revolutionary new features to meet the challenges of digital photography. A large circular arc tube emits a powerful flash at guide number 32 (its value on land, ISO 100/m) when power is set to FULL. It provides incremental manual flash power adjustment in 12 steps for graduations of light. The YS-250PRO is lightning fast: it recycles in 1.8 seconds. Its high-capacity Ni-MH battery, designed exclusively for the strobe, stores enough power when fully charged for 200 full flashes. A high-luminosity white LED target light in the center of the strobe shows precisely where the strobe is pointed, and a ready lamp and a TTL confirmation lamp on each side of the strobe indicate when the strobe is charged and when it has been controlled by the camera’s TTL. An audible signal sounds when the lamps light so you can concentrate on your subject in the viewfinder.

Underwater Housings from Sea&Sea

Canon EOS 70D Underwater Housing bySea&Sea
Compatible with Optical YS Converter, MDX housing for Canon EOS 70D Optical YS Converter/C can be built into the housing Compatible with new Optical YS Converter/C1 for MDX housing which converts the camera’s hot-shoeTTL signal to a light signal. Both TTL and manual strobe modes can be used and controlled from the housing using a Fiber-Optic Cable II. * Fiber-Optic Cable ll is required when using the Optical YS Converter.  Port can be replaced without opening the housing Port lock can now be activated from outside the housing. The housing is also equipped with a "lens-lock release" button which allows the lens to be replaced without opening the housing. The port lock can also be activated from inside like previous SEA&SEA housings. Compatible with both the VF180 1.2x and VF45 1.2x viewfinders By attaching the VF180 (SEA46112) or the VF45 prism viewfinders (SEA46111) (magnification ratio of 1.2x) to the housing, the magnification increases by 1.2x and entire field of view can be seen at the same time. Recommended for users committed to strict composition and Focusing. The multi selector (which is often used underwater) is the same design as the camera control and can be operated in eight directions in the same way The multi selector is located on the very right hand side of the rear case so that it is easily accessible and operated with your hand on the grip. Other Features Equipped with two fiber-optic cable sockets. With the camera's built-in flash raised and fiber-optic cables fitted, external strobes can be triggered as "slave units" by the built-in flash. Every detail of the housing is precision machined. The housing is protected by a highly corrosion resistant coating. All edges have been polished carefully for a perfect finish. Controls all the Canon EOS 70D essential functions underwater. (Depth-of-field preview button and LCD panel illumination button are not operable from the housing). The camera's built-in flash can be activated and deactivated from the housing. (When the accessory light-shielding plate is fixed, this function cannot be used). Equipped with Accessory Port which can be used for HDMI output. The shutter release lever tension can be adjusted in 2 steps with a spring. Equipped with two sacrificial zinc diodes (one on the front case and the other on the rear) to avoid electrolysis damage. Sacrificial Zinc Anode (2 pieces)46116 The grips have been designed with the travelling diver in mind. They are mounted with threadless fixing to facilitate easy removal, transportation and mounting. The new design also alleviates corrosion build up around the fittings. All fixing are available as spare parts. Fitted with a tripod socket on the center underside of the housing. Equipped with the Optical Viewfinder 0.5x as standard. Other (optional) interchangeable viewfinders can be used. The quick shoe makes the camera easy to install and remove from the housing. Built-in leak sensor immediately alerts you to water ingress. Depth rating of 100m / 330ft makes the housing ideal for tech diving.

Canon EOS 750D/800D/REBEL T6i/T7i Underwater Housing by Sea&Sea
Housing for Canon EOS 750D / 800D / Rebel T6i / Rebel T7i, ideal DSLR camera for beginners and experienced underwater photographers alike. Compatible with the VF180 1.2x viewfinder By attaching the VF180 prism finder (magnification ratio 1.2x) to a SEA&SEA housing, the magnification increases by 1.2x and the entire field of view is visible at the same time. Recommended for users who are committed to strict image composition and focusing. Two fibre optic cable sockets By inserting the fibre optic cable into the body connector, an external flash is optically connected to the camera's built-in flash, enabling full flash photography and giving the user a creative lighting effect. Easy assembly Camera shoe for easy mounting and dismounting of the camera. Mounting the camera becomes child's play, as all you have to do is slide the camera shoe into the slot until it reaches the desired position. Almost no complicated positioning and alignment is required, so even beginners can mount a camera with ease. Up to two external flashes can be mounted by connecting an SA8, SEA ARM 7 Compact or similar arm attached to the tripod socket on the underside of the housing. With the optional Stay L II grip, you can hold the camera firmly with both hands, as is the case with conventional housings. RDX-750D Other features Equipped with a 0.5x optical viewfinder that makes it easy to see the entire field of view. An optional interchangeable viewfinder can also be selected. Various ports including NX ports can be mounted with the RDX Port Base L or the RDX Port Base S to accommodate many types of lenses. Easy-to-use shutter release, great for quick snapshots. The shutter release can be operated in two ways - by pressing from the top and pulling from the front - and offers a smooth 'half-press' to adjust the autofocus, so you don't have to worry about missed opportunities. Large buckle design (with locking function). Makes it easier to open and close the rear cover compared to existing (metal) latches.

Sony a7 IV Underwater Housing by Sea&Sea
Universal compatibility(*) with Sony Alpha series. The future-oriented mirrorless SLR compatible housing is now fully loaded. (*) For other Sony Alpha cameras customize kits a needed. Please contact us. Enhancement Customization Kit The shooting mode lever cannot be used. This can be handled by using an optional kit. S&Q cannot be used. Universal design for the future The back panel is designed to be large. The back acrylic panel is more than twice as large as before to improve visibility of the monitor and reduce the underwater weight. Furthermore, it is a sustainable design that can be used with new cameras in the future with minimal parts replacement.  Full range of standard equipment Grip Plus made of silicone material. Robust yet secure fit to hold the housing in place. Lighting can be deployed as desired from the SA8 fixed ball base. Pre-equipped with lanyard hooks for convenient transportation.  Newly designed fiber-optic cable cover Newly designed fiber-optic cable cover included. Prevents optical cable terminals from falling out and smartly protects light-emitting panels and cable terminals. Includes a strap to prevent loss of the cover.  Leak Alarm Unit as standard equipment The Leak Alarm Unit, which was previously available as an option, is now included as standard equipment. It is effective not only for early detection of underwater flooding accidents, but also for protection of equipment by checking its waterproof performance before entry. CR2032 lithium battery included. Strobe Synchro System The fiber-optic cable connection enables manual firing of the YS strobe. Compatible with optional Sea&Seas “Optical YS Converter S1” which converts the strobe light emission signal of the camera to LED light and synchronizes with the SEA&SEA YS strobe. It is a high-performance converter that does not just emit simple light-emitting signals, but also performs TTL auto light Control. YS strobes can be electrically connected with a sync cord with an optional electrical Connection. Please contact us for any futher questions. Focus Point Movement Settings To perform "focus point operation" during shooting, please make a custom setting for the focus point in the dial customization of the camera in advance. The focus point can be moved by operating the front/rear dial. Other Features The Port Lock prevents the port from turning or loosening and the Port Lock lever is specifically located to avoid being unlocked accidentally. The housing is equipped with a lens-lock release button which makes it possible to change lenses easily, without opening the housing. Pulling out the Focus/Zoom Dial gives sufficient room inside the housing to easily accommodate larger diameter lenses. All controls have luminescence stickers which glow in dark environment. Equipped with the Optical Viewfinder 0.5x as standard. Other optional viewfinders such as the VF180 1.2x, VF45 1.2x and Optical Viewfinder 0.66x, 0.8x can be used. ※Some vignetting occurs.When the VF180 1.2x is mounted on housing, the uper part of the camera's viewfinder cannot be viewed due to vignetting. Equipped with two sacrificial zinc diodes (one on the front case and the other on the rear) to prevent electrolysis damage. Tripod screw mount is located on the centre underside of the housing. Equipped with under guard to protect from scrach.

Sony a7R IV Underwater Housing by Sea&Sea
Universal compatibility(*) with Sony Alpha series. The future-oriented mirrorless SLR compatible housing is now fully loaded. (*) For other Sony Alpha cameras customize kits a needed. Please contact us. Universal design for the future The back panel is designed to be large. The back acrylic panel is more than twice as large as before to improve visibility of the monitor and reduce the underwater weight. Furthermore, it is a sustainable design that can be used with new cameras in the future with minimal parts replacement.  Full range of standard equipment Grip Plus made of silicone material. Robust yet secure fit to hold the housing in place. Lighting can be deployed as desired from the SA8 fixed ball base. Pre-equipped with lanyard hooks for convenient transportation.  Newly designed fiber-optic cable cover Newly designed fiber-optic cable cover included. Prevents optical cable terminals from falling out and smartly protects light-emitting panels and cable terminals. Includes a strap to prevent loss of the cover.  Leak Alarm Unit as standard equipment The Leak Alarm Unit, which was previously available as an option, is now included as standard equipment. It is effective not only for early detection of underwater flooding accidents, but also for protection of equipment by checking its waterproof performance before entry. CR2032 lithium battery included. Strobe Synchro System The fiber-optic cable connection enables manual firing of the YS strobe. Compatible with optional Sea&Seas “Optical YS Converter S1” which converts the strobe light emission signal of the camera to LED light and synchronizes with the SEA&SEA YS strobe. It is a high-performance converter that does not just emit simple light-emitting signals, but also performs TTL auto light Control. YS strobes can be electrically connected with a sync cord with an optional electrical Connection. Please contact us for any futher questions. Focus Point Movement Settings To perform "focus point operation" during shooting, please make a custom setting for the focus point in the dial customization of the camera in advance. The focus point can be moved by operating the front/rear dial. Other Features The Port Lock prevents the port from turning or loosening and the Port Lock lever is specifically located to avoid being unlocked accidentally. The housing is equipped with a lens-lock release button which makes it possible to change lenses easily, without opening the housing. Pulling out the Focus/Zoom Dial gives sufficient room inside the housing to easily accommodate larger diameter lenses. All controls have luminescence stickers which glow in dark environment. Equipped with the Optical Viewfinder 0.5x as standard. Other optional viewfinders such as the VF180 1.2x, VF45 1.2x and Optical Viewfinder 0.66x, 0.8x can be used. ※Some vignetting occurs.When the VF180 1.2x is mounted on housing, the uper part of the camera's viewfinder cannot be viewed due to vignetting. Equipped with two sacrificial zinc diodes (one on the front case and the other on the rear) to prevent electrolysis damage. Tripod screw mount is located on the centre underside of the housing. Equipped with under guard to protect from scrach.

Sony a7R V Underwater Housing by Sea&Sea
Universal compatibility(*) with Sony Alpha series. The future-oriented mirrorless SLR compatible housing is now fully loaded. (*) For other Sony Alpha cameras customize kits a needed. Please contact us. Enhancement Customization Kit The shooting mode lever cannot be used. This can be handled by using an optional kit. S&Q cannot be used. Universal design for the future The back panel is designed to be large. The back acrylic panel is more than twice as large as before to improve visibility of the monitor and reduce the underwater weight. Furthermore, it is a sustainable design that can be used with new cameras in the future with minimal parts replacement.  Full range of standard equipment Grip Plus made of silicone material. Robust yet secure fit to hold the housing in place. Lighting can be deployed as desired from the SA8 fixed ball base. Pre-equipped with lanyard hooks for convenient transportation.  Newly designed fiber-optic cable cover Newly designed fiber-optic cable cover included. Prevents optical cable terminals from falling out and smartly protects light-emitting panels and cable terminals. Includes a strap to prevent loss of the cover.  Leak Alarm Unit as standard equipment The Leak Alarm Unit, which was previously available as an option, is now included as standard equipment. It is effective not only for early detection of underwater flooding accidents, but also for protection of equipment by checking its waterproof performance before entry. CR2032 lithium battery included. Strobe Synchro System The fiber-optic cable connection enables manual firing of the YS strobe. Compatible with optional Sea&Seas “Optical YS Converter S1” which converts the strobe light emission signal of the camera to LED light and synchronizes with the SEA&SEA YS strobe. It is a high-performance converter that does not just emit simple light-emitting signals, but also performs TTL auto light Control. YS strobes can be electrically connected with a sync cord with an optional electrical Connection. Please contact us for any futher questions. Focus Point Movement Settings To perform "focus point operation" during shooting, please make a custom setting for the focus point in the dial customization of the camera in advance. The focus point can be moved by operating the front/rear dial. Other Features The Port Lock prevents the port from turning or loosening and the Port Lock lever is specifically located to avoid being unlocked accidentally. The housing is equipped with a lens-lock release button which makes it possible to change lenses easily, without opening the housing. Pulling out the Focus/Zoom Dial gives sufficient room inside the housing to easily accommodate larger diameter lenses. All controls have luminescence stickers which glow in dark environment. Equipped with the Optical Viewfinder 0.5x as standard. Other optional viewfinders such as the VF180 1.2x, VF45 1.2x and Optical Viewfinder 0.66x, 0.8x can be used. ※Some vignetting occurs.When the VF180 1.2x is mounted on housing, the uper part of the camera's viewfinder cannot be viewed due to vignetting. Equipped with two sacrificial zinc diodes (one on the front case and the other on the rear) to prevent electrolysis damage. Tripod screw mount is located on the centre underside of the housing. Equipped with under guard to protect from scrach.

Sony a7S III Underwater Housing by Sea&Sea
Universal compatibility(*) with Sony Alpha series. The future-oriented mirrorless SLR compatible housing is now fully loaded. (*) For other Sony Alpha cameras customize kits a needed. Please contact us. Enhancement Customization Kit Drive mode/focus mode dials are not available as standard. It can be supported by using the kit. If you want to change the drive mode etc. without modification, you can temporarily use it by registering the camera's custom shooting setting in advance and calling up the function, but it is not a perfect Substitute. Universal design for the future The back panel is designed to be large. The back acrylic panel is more than twice as large as before to improve visibility of the monitor and reduce the underwater weight. Furthermore, it is a sustainable design that can be used with new cameras in the future with minimal parts replacement.  Full range of standard equipment Grip Plus made of silicone material. Robust yet secure fit to hold the housing in place. Lighting can be deployed as desired from the SA8 fixed ball base. Pre-equipped with lanyard hooks for convenient transportation.  Newly designed fiber-optic cable cover Newly designed fiber-optic cable cover included. Prevents optical cable terminals from falling out and smartly protects light-emitting panels and cable terminals. Includes a strap to prevent loss of the cover.  Leak Alarm Unit as standard equipment The Leak Alarm Unit, which was previously available as an option, is now included as standard equipment. It is effective not only for early detection of underwater flooding accidents, but also for protection of equipment by checking its waterproof performance before entry. CR2032 lithium battery included. Strobe Synchro System The fiber-optic cable connection enables manual firing of the YS strobe. Compatible with optional Sea&Seas “Optical YS Converter S1” which converts the strobe light emission signal of the camera to LED light and synchronizes with the SEA&SEA YS strobe. It is a high-performance converter that does not just emit simple light-emitting signals, but also performs TTL auto light Control. YS strobes can be electrically connected with a sync cord with an optional electrical Connection. Please contact us for any futher questions. Focus Point Movement Settings To perform "focus point operation" during shooting, please make a custom setting for the focus point in the dial customization of the camera in advance. The focus point can be moved by operating the front/rear dial. Other Features The Port Lock prevents the port from turning or loosening and the Port Lock lever is specifically located to avoid being unlocked accidentally. The housing is equipped with a lens-lock release button which makes it possible to change lenses easily, without opening the housing. Pulling out the Focus/Zoom Dial gives sufficient room inside the housing to easily accommodate larger diameter lenses. All controls have luminescence stickers which glow in dark environment. Equipped with the Optical Viewfinder 0.5x as standard. Other optional viewfinders such as the VF180 1.2x, VF45 1.2x and Optical Viewfinder 0.66x, 0.8x can be used. ※Some vignetting occurs.When the VF180 1.2x is mounted on housing, the uper part of the camera's viewfinder cannot be viewed due to vignetting. Equipped with two sacrificial zinc diodes (one on the front case and the other on the rear) to prevent electrolysis damage. Tripod screw mount is located on the centre underside of the housing. Equipped with under guard to protect from scrach.

Sony a9 II Underwater Housing by Sea&Sea
Universal compatibility(*) with Sony Alpha series. The future-oriented mirrorless SLR compatible housing is now fully loaded. (*) For other Sony Alpha cameras customize kits a needed. Please contact us. Enhancement Customization Kit Drive mode/focus mode dials are not available as standard. It can be supported by using the kit. If you want to change the drive mode etc. without modification, you can temporarily use it by registering the camera's custom shooting setting in advance and calling up the function, but it is not a perfect Substitute. Universal design for the future The back panel is designed to be large. The back acrylic panel is more than twice as large as before to improve visibility of the monitor and reduce the underwater weight. Furthermore, it is a sustainable design that can be used with new cameras in the future with minimal parts replacement.  Full range of standard equipment Grip Plus made of silicone material. Robust yet secure fit to hold the housing in place. Lighting can be deployed as desired from the SA8 fixed ball base. Pre-equipped with lanyard hooks for convenient transportation.  Newly designed fiber-optic cable cover Newly designed fiber-optic cable cover included. Prevents optical cable terminals from falling out and smartly protects light-emitting panels and cable terminals. Includes a strap to prevent loss of the cover.  Leak Alarm Unit as standard equipment The Leak Alarm Unit, which was previously available as an option, is now included as standard equipment. It is effective not only for early detection of underwater flooding accidents, but also for protection of equipment by checking its waterproof performance before entry. CR2032 lithium battery included. Strobe Synchro System The fiber-optic cable connection enables manual firing of the YS strobe. Compatible with optional Sea&Seas “Optical YS Converter S1” which converts the strobe light emission signal of the camera to LED light and synchronizes with the SEA&SEA YS strobe. It is a high-performance converter that does not just emit simple light-emitting signals, but also performs TTL auto light Control. YS strobes can be electrically connected with a sync cord with an optional electrical Connection. Please contact us for any futher questions. Focus Point Movement Settings To perform "focus point operation" during shooting, please make a custom setting for the focus point in the dial customization of the camera in advance. The focus point can be moved by operating the front/rear dial. Other Features The Port Lock prevents the port from turning or loosening and the Port Lock lever is specifically located to avoid being unlocked accidentally. The housing is equipped with a lens-lock release button which makes it possible to change lenses easily, without opening the housing. Pulling out the Focus/Zoom Dial gives sufficient room inside the housing to easily accommodate larger diameter lenses. All controls have luminescence stickers which glow in dark environment. Equipped with the Optical Viewfinder 0.5x as standard. Other optional viewfinders such as the VF180 1.2x, VF45 1.2x and Optical Viewfinder 0.66x, 0.8x can be used. ※Some vignetting occurs.When the VF180 1.2x is mounted on housing, the uper part of the camera's viewfinder cannot be viewed due to vignetting. Equipped with two sacrificial zinc diodes (one on the front case and the other on the rear) to prevent electrolysis damage. Tripod screw mount is located on the centre underside of the housing. Equipped with under guard to protect from scrach.

Sony alpha 1 Underwater Housing by Sea&Sea
Universal compatibility(*) with Sony Alpha series. The future-oriented mirrorless SLR compatible housing is now fully loaded. (*) For other Sony Alpha cameras customize kits a needed. Please contact us. Enhancement Customization Kit The shooting mode lever cannot be used. This can be handled by using an optional kit. S&Q cannot be used. Universal design for the future The back panel is designed to be large. The back acrylic panel is more than twice as large as before to improve visibility of the monitor and reduce the underwater weight. Furthermore, it is a sustainable design that can be used with new cameras in the future with minimal parts replacement.  Full range of standard equipment Grip Plus made of silicone material. Robust yet secure fit to hold the housing in place. Lighting can be deployed as desired from the SA8 fixed ball base. Pre-equipped with lanyard hooks for convenient transportation.  Newly designed fiber-optic cable cover Newly designed fiber-optic cable cover included. Prevents optical cable terminals from falling out and smartly protects light-emitting panels and cable terminals. Includes a strap to prevent loss of the cover.  Leak Alarm Unit as standard equipment The Leak Alarm Unit, which was previously available as an option, is now included as standard equipment. It is effective not only for early detection of underwater flooding accidents, but also for protection of equipment by checking its waterproof performance before entry. CR2032 lithium battery included. Strobe Synchro System The fiber-optic cable connection enables manual firing of the YS strobe. Compatible with optional Sea&Seas “Optical YS Converter S1” which converts the strobe light emission signal of the camera to LED light and synchronizes with the SEA&SEA YS strobe. It is a high-performance converter that does not just emit simple light-emitting signals, but also performs TTL auto light Control. YS strobes can be electrically connected with a sync cord with an optional electrical Connection. Please contact us for any futher questions. Focus Point Movement Settings To perform "focus point operation" during shooting, please make a custom setting for the focus point in the dial customization of the camera in advance. The focus point can be moved by operating the front/rear dial. Other Features The Port Lock prevents the port from turning or loosening and the Port Lock lever is specifically located to avoid being unlocked accidentally. The housing is equipped with a lens-lock release button which makes it possible to change lenses easily, without opening the housing. Pulling out the Focus/Zoom Dial gives sufficient room inside the housing to easily accommodate larger diameter lenses. All controls have luminescence stickers which glow in dark environment. Equipped with the Optical Viewfinder 0.5x as standard. Other optional viewfinders such as the VF180 1.2x, VF45 1.2x and Optical Viewfinder 0.66x, 0.8x can be used. ※Some vignetting occurs.When the VF180 1.2x is mounted on housing, the uper part of the camera's viewfinder cannot be viewed due to vignetting. Equipped with two sacrificial zinc diodes (one on the front case and the other on the rear) to prevent electrolysis damage. Tripod screw mount is located on the centre underside of the housing. Equipped with under guard to protect from scrach.

Sony RX100 III/IV/V(A) Underwater Housing by Sea&Sea
The latest MDX-RX100 lll housing is compatible with the Sony RX100 lll, lV and V cameras. * The MDX-RX100 lll housing with serial numbers above ...0201 is compatible with all of the above cameras. * If you would like to have the housing modified to accommodate the SONY RX100 V camera, please contact us before ordering. Adapter lenses or filters with threaded connection M67 can be mounted on the port The port is threaded so that the M67 wide-angle converter lens 0.6x can be mounted directly. * If the lens is used with the widest angle, vignetting will occur in the corners of the image. Zoom in slightly (approx. 30 mm angle of view) to avoid vignetting. Two SA8 ball head adapter mounts built in By attaching the SA8 ball head adapter to the specially designed brackets located on the top and side of the housing, SA8 components can be mounted on the housing without a handle or rail. Mounting the SA8 ball head for hot shoe adapter offers even more versatile lighting options. Additional flashes or lamps can be used. LCD monitor bonnet with lens can be mounted The LCD bonnet reduces reflections and provides a clear and complete view of the camera's LCD screen. (LCD bonnet stopper included)  All camera functions can be operated underwater. The large control dial on the front of the housing connects to the camera's control ring and enables smooth operation of manual focus and other functions. The multi-purpose control dial on the back of the camera is operated via the multi-point control on the back of the housing. All controls are easily accessible and can be operated with the right hand.The flash built into the camera can be activated and deactivated from the walker.Equipped with two fibre optic cable sockets. Optional leak sensor can be installed in the housing. The LED light is located in the LCD monitor window and warns you of water ingress. The sensor warns you immediately of water ingress when the super bright LED lights up. Equipped with two sacrificial zinc diodes (one in the front of the housing and one on the back) to prevent electrolyte damage. The camera can be mounted in the housing with the Sony AG-R2 accessory handle, so that it can be used comfortably and stably on land if required. Non-slip rubber on the upper right rear handle, which keeps the handle stable. The housing is easy to open and lock with the twist lock and hinge. External flash or light can be mounted by attaching an SA8 rail & handle 2118 to the tripod thread on the underside of the housing. A rated depth of 100m makes the housing ideal for tech diving.

DX Extension Ring 20L
Abstand zwischen Halterung und vorderem Ende: 20 mm (mit Port Lock)

Battery compartment cap for YS-250
Spare battery compartment cap for YS-250 by Sea&Sea

Grip-Stay S
The tray and arm hold your camera and housing and a compact underwater strobe or a compact underwater video light. A Fiber-Optic Cable (L-type) can be laced into the arm (grip) for easy operation.

on stock
O-ring Set for Sync cord
Spare O-rings for electrical synchronisation cables from Sea&Sea

Focus Gear for Tokina AT-X M35 PRO DX (AF 35mm f/2.8)
Focus gears allow access to the manual function focus of a lens in an underwater housing. Use may require specific port extensions and may not be available for all housings and lenses. This focus ring is designed specifically for Tokina AT-X M35 PRO DX (AF 35mm f/2.8) lenses in underwater housings by Sea&Sea.

Focus Gear for Nikon AF-S VR Micro Nikkor ED 105mm F2.8
Focus gears allow access to the manual function focus of a lens in an underwater housing. Use may require specific port extensions and may not be available for all housings and lenses. This focus ring is designed specifically for Nikkon AF-S VR Micro Nikkor ED 105mm F2.8 lenses in underwater housings by Sea&Sea.

Zoom Gear for Canon EF-S 10-22mm F3.5-4.5 USM
Zoom gears allow access to the manual zoom function of a lens in an underwater housing. Use may require specific port extensions and may not be available for all housings and lenses. This zoom gear is specifically designed for Canon EF-S 10-22MM F3.5-4.5 USM lenses in underwater housings by Nauticam..

Zoom Gear for Nikon AF-S DX Nikkor 18-70 mm
Zoomringe ermöglichen den Zugriff auf die manuelle Zoomfunktion eines Objektives in einem Unterwassergehäuse. Die Verwendung kann spezifische Portverlängerungen erfordern und ist möglicherweise nicht für alle Gehäuse und Objektive verfügbar. Dieser Zoomring wurde speziell für Nikon AF-S DX Nikkor 18-70 mm Objektive in Unterwassergehäusen von Sea&Sea entwickelt.

on stock
O-Ring for ML-Standard Port
Spare O-rings for Fisheye Domeport 240 from Sea&Sea

O-ring Set for MDX-D7000
Spare O-ring set by Sea & Sea for Nikon D7000 Housing

YS base (common to YS-D1/D2/D3)
Traditional YS base. Easy vertical swing.

YS-D3 DUO Underwater Strobe
High-spec underwater strobe with large light output The YS-D3 DUO by Sea&Sea is a high-specification underwater strobe with three shooting modes: DS-TTL, RC mode, and manual. The YS-D3 DUO delivers even and uniform light distribution with a large light output of GN33. Custom settings allow the strobe to be used with high precision with a variety of cameras and shooting styles. Shooting Mode The mode switch can be used to switch between "DS-TTL", "RC mode", and "Manual". It is conveniently identifiable by color. Blue: DS-TTL Red: RC mode Orange: Manual 1 Highly accurate DS-TTL dimming DS-TTL dimming accuracy has been greatly improved by adopting a newly designed light receiving sensor. By applying detailed custom settings, it can be used with high accuracy with a wide variety of cameras of multiple brands. *When shooting TTL with a camera of a brand other than OM SYSTEM (OLYMPUS), select DS-TTL as the shooting mode. *Pre-custom settings must be made for each camera in advance when shooting with DS-TTL. In DS-TTL mode. Exposure compensation can be made with the light level control dial on the right. +2.0 to -2.0 Highly accurate DS-TTL dimming The "RC System" is a flash system for OM SYSTEM digital cameras, and the YS-D3 DUO was developed in collaboration with OM Digital Solutions to incorporate the RC mode. RC mode is a light control mode in which the camera automatically controls the flash output based on the brightness through the lens. The YS-D3 DUO is equipped with a more precise "RC mode" that was developed based on system information officially provided by OM Digital Solutions. The YS-D3 DUO is equipped with a more precise "RC mode" developed based on the system information officially provided by OM Digital Solutions. *Since the strobe is system-linked to the camera, flash output compensation can be adjusted not only on the strobe side but also on the camera side while shooting in RC mode. *Setting the camera to RC mode can prolong (save) the camera's battery life. In RC mode. The light level control dial on the right can be used for exposure compensation. Manual mode has 11 steps In manual mode, light intensity can be adjusted in 11 steps. The settings are (GN: 1 / 1.4 / 2 / 2.8 / 4 / 5.6 / 8 / 11 / 16 / 22 / 33). The value can be easily seen on the scale on the light intensity adjustment dial. Compatible with digital cameras that do not have a pre-flash function. *Only manual flash is available, but if your camera housing is equipped with a strobe connector/converter connector, you can also use a sync cord to connect the strobe. In manual mode. Select the guide number with the light level control dial. YS-D3 DOU can also be connected with a sync cord Customize The YS-D3 DUO can be set up with high precision to accommodate a variety of shooting styles with different cameras by making custom settings. Refer to the table for settings according to the shooting mode used and the method of synchronizing the camera and strobe. Shooting in DS-TTL mode and manual mode ・ Click here to shoot with DS-TTLusing an optical/TTL converter. *Custom settings are not required when using manual trigger. Use the default settings. ・When shooting in DS-TTL/Manual using the built-in flash. Nikon  Canon  Sony Others *See page E-28 of the instruction manual for procedures to change custom settings. Shooting in RC mode When shooting in RC mode with an OM SYSTEMS (OLYMPUS) camera, no custom settings are required. Select "RC mode shooting" in the flash mode setting on the camera side; YS-D3 DUO should be set to "RC" for shooting mode. *For details on "RC mode shooting," please refer to the user's manual of the camera to be used. Light source This is a high-performance strobe that pursues quality of light, and its high luminous flux and wide beam angle are effective for wide-angle photography with fish-eye lenses and other wide-angle lenses. The strobe also features our proprietary light distribution technology. High light intensity GN33 The light output has a guide number (GN) of 33, one of the highest among general-purpose underwater strobes. The use of two discharge tubes increases power and achieves GN 33 at full flashing. Two discharge tubes Uniform and even light distribution The originally developed "aspherical toroidal lens" is placed in front of the light-emitting tube, and the two discharge tubes and the "aspherical toroidal lens" provide uniform and even light distribution to the periphery, making it an ideal light source for external Illumination. Aspherical optical troidal lens Adjust beam angle with diffuser The beam angle is 80°×105° without the diffuser and 100°×110° with the included diffuser for soft lighting. When the optional dome diffuser is attached, the beam angle increases to 150°×170°. The dome diffuser is effective when using a fisheye lens or when lighting with soft light (guide number is reduced by approximately -1.5 EV). Without diffuser With attached diffuser (optional) Dome diffuser installed Operability Sea&Seas particular emphasis on ease of use, especially underwater handling. The more you use it, the more you will appreciate its easy-to-turn dial, easy-to-see panel display, and good underwater balance. Large dial Underwater operation is performed with the mode switch and light intensity control dial. The large dials are non-slip and the height difference allows smooth operation even when wearing thick gloves. It is designed to stop in steps with a click-click to minimize malfunctions. Large dial Easy-to-read backlit panel The indicator color changes each time the mode switch is repositioned. Blue (in DS-TTLII mode), red (in RC mode), yellow (in manual mode with pre-flash), and green (in manual mode without pre-flash) are the different colors for identification, so positioning of the controls is easy to see even when night diving. In DS-TTLII mode In RC mode In manual non pre-flash mode Underwater Balance YS-D3 DUO by Sea&Sea has almost zero buoyancy with the ball mount and clamp in place. Heavy underwater weight requires unexpected force to operate the clamp, but the YS-D3 DUO is unaffected by buoyancy, so operation is smooth. Even if you change the strobe position, the underwater balance of the entire housing set does not change significantly and you can feel how easy it is to handle. Two patterns of target lights The LED target light function is useful for focusing and checking the beam angle of the strobe. Choose either 300 lumens or 150 lumens depending on the situation. 300 lumen 150 lumen One-touch battery replacement The power source is AA batteries, which are widely distributed in general. Four of the same type (1.5V alkaline AA batteries and 1.2V nickel-hydrogen AA batteries). The battery box is opened and closed by a bayonet type that does not put a burden on the O-ring. It is a one-touch operation and does not require force like the screw-in type. Hook for Fiber Optics A hook for fiber-optic cable on the strobe body smartly guides the fiber-optic cable. How to connect with the arm of your choice A straight type ball base is included, but the YS base or Strobe Ball Base 35 can be attached as an option depending on the application. (optional) YS base (optional) Diagonal ball base Accessories A wide variety of accessories expand the shooting range. Snoot An adapter that turns a strobe light into a spot light. An internal prism allows the optical axis of the target light to be perfectly aligned with the optical axis of the strobe light. The beam aperture is 25mm and the use of a snoot cuts off light around the subject to make only the subject stand out. Dome diffuser Diffuser that widens the beam angle to 150° x 170°. Light intensity is reduced by approximately -1.5 EV (GN28). Flash prism Light guiding prism that can emit YS-D3 DUO light without using a fiber-optic cable; supports RC mode and manual Emission.

Sony a7S III Underwater Housing by Sea&Sea
Universal compatibility(*) with Sony Alpha series. The future-oriented mirrorless SLR compatible housing is now fully loaded. (*) For other Sony Alpha cameras customize kits a needed. Please contact us. Enhancement Customization Kit Drive mode/focus mode dials are not available as standard. It can be supported by using the kit. If you want to change the drive mode etc. without modification, you can temporarily use it by registering the camera's custom shooting setting in advance and calling up the function, but it is not a perfect Substitute. Universal design for the future The back panel is designed to be large. The back acrylic panel is more than twice as large as before to improve visibility of the monitor and reduce the underwater weight. Furthermore, it is a sustainable design that can be used with new cameras in the future with minimal parts replacement.  Full range of standard equipment Grip Plus made of silicone material. Robust yet secure fit to hold the housing in place. Lighting can be deployed as desired from the SA8 fixed ball base. Pre-equipped with lanyard hooks for convenient transportation.  Newly designed fiber-optic cable cover Newly designed fiber-optic cable cover included. Prevents optical cable terminals from falling out and smartly protects light-emitting panels and cable terminals. Includes a strap to prevent loss of the cover.  Leak Alarm Unit as standard equipment The Leak Alarm Unit, which was previously available as an option, is now included as standard equipment. It is effective not only for early detection of underwater flooding accidents, but also for protection of equipment by checking its waterproof performance before entry. CR2032 lithium battery included. Strobe Synchro System The fiber-optic cable connection enables manual firing of the YS strobe. Compatible with optional Sea&Seas “Optical YS Converter S1” which converts the strobe light emission signal of the camera to LED light and synchronizes with the SEA&SEA YS strobe. It is a high-performance converter that does not just emit simple light-emitting signals, but also performs TTL auto light Control. YS strobes can be electrically connected with a sync cord with an optional electrical Connection. Please contact us for any futher questions. Focus Point Movement Settings To perform "focus point operation" during shooting, please make a custom setting for the focus point in the dial customization of the camera in advance. The focus point can be moved by operating the front/rear dial. Other Features The Port Lock prevents the port from turning or loosening and the Port Lock lever is specifically located to avoid being unlocked accidentally. The housing is equipped with a lens-lock release button which makes it possible to change lenses easily, without opening the housing. Pulling out the Focus/Zoom Dial gives sufficient room inside the housing to easily accommodate larger diameter lenses. All controls have luminescence stickers which glow in dark environment. Equipped with the Optical Viewfinder 0.5x as standard. Other optional viewfinders such as the VF180 1.2x, VF45 1.2x and Optical Viewfinder 0.66x, 0.8x can be used. ※Some vignetting occurs.When the VF180 1.2x is mounted on housing, the uper part of the camera's viewfinder cannot be viewed due to vignetting. Equipped with two sacrificial zinc diodes (one on the front case and the other on the rear) to prevent electrolysis damage. Tripod screw mount is located on the centre underside of the housing. Equipped with under guard to protect from scrach.

Sony a9 II Underwater Housing by Sea&Sea
Universal compatibility(*) with Sony Alpha series. The future-oriented mirrorless SLR compatible housing is now fully loaded. (*) For other Sony Alpha cameras customize kits a needed. Please contact us. Enhancement Customization Kit Drive mode/focus mode dials are not available as standard. It can be supported by using the kit. If you want to change the drive mode etc. without modification, you can temporarily use it by registering the camera's custom shooting setting in advance and calling up the function, but it is not a perfect Substitute. Universal design for the future The back panel is designed to be large. The back acrylic panel is more than twice as large as before to improve visibility of the monitor and reduce the underwater weight. Furthermore, it is a sustainable design that can be used with new cameras in the future with minimal parts replacement.  Full range of standard equipment Grip Plus made of silicone material. Robust yet secure fit to hold the housing in place. Lighting can be deployed as desired from the SA8 fixed ball base. Pre-equipped with lanyard hooks for convenient transportation.  Newly designed fiber-optic cable cover Newly designed fiber-optic cable cover included. Prevents optical cable terminals from falling out and smartly protects light-emitting panels and cable terminals. Includes a strap to prevent loss of the cover.  Leak Alarm Unit as standard equipment The Leak Alarm Unit, which was previously available as an option, is now included as standard equipment. It is effective not only for early detection of underwater flooding accidents, but also for protection of equipment by checking its waterproof performance before entry. CR2032 lithium battery included. Strobe Synchro System The fiber-optic cable connection enables manual firing of the YS strobe. Compatible with optional Sea&Seas “Optical YS Converter S1” which converts the strobe light emission signal of the camera to LED light and synchronizes with the SEA&SEA YS strobe. It is a high-performance converter that does not just emit simple light-emitting signals, but also performs TTL auto light Control. YS strobes can be electrically connected with a sync cord with an optional electrical Connection. Please contact us for any futher questions. Focus Point Movement Settings To perform "focus point operation" during shooting, please make a custom setting for the focus point in the dial customization of the camera in advance. The focus point can be moved by operating the front/rear dial. Other Features The Port Lock prevents the port from turning or loosening and the Port Lock lever is specifically located to avoid being unlocked accidentally. The housing is equipped with a lens-lock release button which makes it possible to change lenses easily, without opening the housing. Pulling out the Focus/Zoom Dial gives sufficient room inside the housing to easily accommodate larger diameter lenses. All controls have luminescence stickers which glow in dark environment. Equipped with the Optical Viewfinder 0.5x as standard. Other optional viewfinders such as the VF180 1.2x, VF45 1.2x and Optical Viewfinder 0.66x, 0.8x can be used. ※Some vignetting occurs.When the VF180 1.2x is mounted on housing, the uper part of the camera's viewfinder cannot be viewed due to vignetting. Equipped with two sacrificial zinc diodes (one on the front case and the other on the rear) to prevent electrolysis damage. Tripod screw mount is located on the centre underside of the housing. Equipped with under guard to protect from scrach.

Sony alpha 1 Underwater Housing by Sea&Sea
Universal compatibility(*) with Sony Alpha series. The future-oriented mirrorless SLR compatible housing is now fully loaded. (*) For other Sony Alpha cameras customize kits a needed. Please contact us. Enhancement Customization Kit The shooting mode lever cannot be used. This can be handled by using an optional kit. S&Q cannot be used. Universal design for the future The back panel is designed to be large. The back acrylic panel is more than twice as large as before to improve visibility of the monitor and reduce the underwater weight. Furthermore, it is a sustainable design that can be used with new cameras in the future with minimal parts replacement.  Full range of standard equipment Grip Plus made of silicone material. Robust yet secure fit to hold the housing in place. Lighting can be deployed as desired from the SA8 fixed ball base. Pre-equipped with lanyard hooks for convenient transportation.  Newly designed fiber-optic cable cover Newly designed fiber-optic cable cover included. Prevents optical cable terminals from falling out and smartly protects light-emitting panels and cable terminals. Includes a strap to prevent loss of the cover.  Leak Alarm Unit as standard equipment The Leak Alarm Unit, which was previously available as an option, is now included as standard equipment. It is effective not only for early detection of underwater flooding accidents, but also for protection of equipment by checking its waterproof performance before entry. CR2032 lithium battery included. Strobe Synchro System The fiber-optic cable connection enables manual firing of the YS strobe. Compatible with optional Sea&Seas “Optical YS Converter S1” which converts the strobe light emission signal of the camera to LED light and synchronizes with the SEA&SEA YS strobe. It is a high-performance converter that does not just emit simple light-emitting signals, but also performs TTL auto light Control. YS strobes can be electrically connected with a sync cord with an optional electrical Connection. Please contact us for any futher questions. Focus Point Movement Settings To perform "focus point operation" during shooting, please make a custom setting for the focus point in the dial customization of the camera in advance. The focus point can be moved by operating the front/rear dial. Other Features The Port Lock prevents the port from turning or loosening and the Port Lock lever is specifically located to avoid being unlocked accidentally. The housing is equipped with a lens-lock release button which makes it possible to change lenses easily, without opening the housing. Pulling out the Focus/Zoom Dial gives sufficient room inside the housing to easily accommodate larger diameter lenses. All controls have luminescence stickers which glow in dark environment. Equipped with the Optical Viewfinder 0.5x as standard. Other optional viewfinders such as the VF180 1.2x, VF45 1.2x and Optical Viewfinder 0.66x, 0.8x can be used. ※Some vignetting occurs.When the VF180 1.2x is mounted on housing, the uper part of the camera's viewfinder cannot be viewed due to vignetting. Equipped with two sacrificial zinc diodes (one on the front case and the other on the rear) to prevent electrolysis damage. Tripod screw mount is located on the centre underside of the housing. Equipped with under guard to protect from scrach.

Sony a7R V Underwater Housing by Sea&Sea
Universal compatibility(*) with Sony Alpha series. The future-oriented mirrorless SLR compatible housing is now fully loaded. (*) For other Sony Alpha cameras customize kits a needed. Please contact us. Enhancement Customization Kit The shooting mode lever cannot be used. This can be handled by using an optional kit. S&Q cannot be used. Universal design for the future The back panel is designed to be large. The back acrylic panel is more than twice as large as before to improve visibility of the monitor and reduce the underwater weight. Furthermore, it is a sustainable design that can be used with new cameras in the future with minimal parts replacement.  Full range of standard equipment Grip Plus made of silicone material. Robust yet secure fit to hold the housing in place. Lighting can be deployed as desired from the SA8 fixed ball base. Pre-equipped with lanyard hooks for convenient transportation.  Newly designed fiber-optic cable cover Newly designed fiber-optic cable cover included. Prevents optical cable terminals from falling out and smartly protects light-emitting panels and cable terminals. Includes a strap to prevent loss of the cover.  Leak Alarm Unit as standard equipment The Leak Alarm Unit, which was previously available as an option, is now included as standard equipment. It is effective not only for early detection of underwater flooding accidents, but also for protection of equipment by checking its waterproof performance before entry. CR2032 lithium battery included. Strobe Synchro System The fiber-optic cable connection enables manual firing of the YS strobe. Compatible with optional Sea&Seas “Optical YS Converter S1” which converts the strobe light emission signal of the camera to LED light and synchronizes with the SEA&SEA YS strobe. It is a high-performance converter that does not just emit simple light-emitting signals, but also performs TTL auto light Control. YS strobes can be electrically connected with a sync cord with an optional electrical Connection. Please contact us for any futher questions. Focus Point Movement Settings To perform "focus point operation" during shooting, please make a custom setting for the focus point in the dial customization of the camera in advance. The focus point can be moved by operating the front/rear dial. Other Features The Port Lock prevents the port from turning or loosening and the Port Lock lever is specifically located to avoid being unlocked accidentally. The housing is equipped with a lens-lock release button which makes it possible to change lenses easily, without opening the housing. Pulling out the Focus/Zoom Dial gives sufficient room inside the housing to easily accommodate larger diameter lenses. All controls have luminescence stickers which glow in dark environment. Equipped with the Optical Viewfinder 0.5x as standard. Other optional viewfinders such as the VF180 1.2x, VF45 1.2x and Optical Viewfinder 0.66x, 0.8x can be used. ※Some vignetting occurs.When the VF180 1.2x is mounted on housing, the uper part of the camera's viewfinder cannot be viewed due to vignetting. Equipped with two sacrificial zinc diodes (one on the front case and the other on the rear) to prevent electrolysis damage. Tripod screw mount is located on the centre underside of the housing. Equipped with under guard to protect from scrach.

Sony a7R IV Underwater Housing by Sea&Sea
Universal compatibility(*) with Sony Alpha series. The future-oriented mirrorless SLR compatible housing is now fully loaded. (*) For other Sony Alpha cameras customize kits a needed. Please contact us. Universal design for the future The back panel is designed to be large. The back acrylic panel is more than twice as large as before to improve visibility of the monitor and reduce the underwater weight. Furthermore, it is a sustainable design that can be used with new cameras in the future with minimal parts replacement.  Full range of standard equipment Grip Plus made of silicone material. Robust yet secure fit to hold the housing in place. Lighting can be deployed as desired from the SA8 fixed ball base. Pre-equipped with lanyard hooks for convenient transportation.  Newly designed fiber-optic cable cover Newly designed fiber-optic cable cover included. Prevents optical cable terminals from falling out and smartly protects light-emitting panels and cable terminals. Includes a strap to prevent loss of the cover.  Leak Alarm Unit as standard equipment The Leak Alarm Unit, which was previously available as an option, is now included as standard equipment. It is effective not only for early detection of underwater flooding accidents, but also for protection of equipment by checking its waterproof performance before entry. CR2032 lithium battery included. Strobe Synchro System The fiber-optic cable connection enables manual firing of the YS strobe. Compatible with optional Sea&Seas “Optical YS Converter S1” which converts the strobe light emission signal of the camera to LED light and synchronizes with the SEA&SEA YS strobe. It is a high-performance converter that does not just emit simple light-emitting signals, but also performs TTL auto light Control. YS strobes can be electrically connected with a sync cord with an optional electrical Connection. Please contact us for any futher questions. Focus Point Movement Settings To perform "focus point operation" during shooting, please make a custom setting for the focus point in the dial customization of the camera in advance. The focus point can be moved by operating the front/rear dial. Other Features The Port Lock prevents the port from turning or loosening and the Port Lock lever is specifically located to avoid being unlocked accidentally. The housing is equipped with a lens-lock release button which makes it possible to change lenses easily, without opening the housing. Pulling out the Focus/Zoom Dial gives sufficient room inside the housing to easily accommodate larger diameter lenses. All controls have luminescence stickers which glow in dark environment. Equipped with the Optical Viewfinder 0.5x as standard. Other optional viewfinders such as the VF180 1.2x, VF45 1.2x and Optical Viewfinder 0.66x, 0.8x can be used. ※Some vignetting occurs.When the VF180 1.2x is mounted on housing, the uper part of the camera's viewfinder cannot be viewed due to vignetting. Equipped with two sacrificial zinc diodes (one on the front case and the other on the rear) to prevent electrolysis damage. Tripod screw mount is located on the centre underside of the housing. Equipped with under guard to protect from scrach.

a7IV Customize Kit for MDX-aU
Compatible with shooting mode selection lever. NOTE: The a7IV customize kit cannot be used with an electrically connected strobe sync system.

Optical YS Converter/S2 for MDX housing
A compact unit that converts the camera's TTL signal to a light signal. The converter can be mounted on the camera's accessory shoe and can be connected to (a) SEA&SEA strobe(s) with Fiber-Optic Cable(s) (*). TTL and manual modes can be switched by pushing the mode switch on the housing. * SEA&SEA's Fiber-Optic Cable II must be used with an Optical YS Converter.

Sync Cord 2-pin Connector
User replaceable 2-pin strobe connector and sync connecter set. The connector set can be fixed after removing cap for accessory port. The connector set is required to connect the YS series strobes via sync cord to SEA&SEA housings for digital SLR cameras which are equipped with accessory port as standard.

Sony a7 IV Underwater Housing by Sea&Sea
Universal compatibility(*) with Sony Alpha series. The future-oriented mirrorless SLR compatible housing is now fully loaded. (*) For other Sony Alpha cameras customize kits a needed. Please contact us. Enhancement Customization Kit The shooting mode lever cannot be used. This can be handled by using an optional kit. S&Q cannot be used. Universal design for the future The back panel is designed to be large. The back acrylic panel is more than twice as large as before to improve visibility of the monitor and reduce the underwater weight. Furthermore, it is a sustainable design that can be used with new cameras in the future with minimal parts replacement.  Full range of standard equipment Grip Plus made of silicone material. Robust yet secure fit to hold the housing in place. Lighting can be deployed as desired from the SA8 fixed ball base. Pre-equipped with lanyard hooks for convenient transportation.  Newly designed fiber-optic cable cover Newly designed fiber-optic cable cover included. Prevents optical cable terminals from falling out and smartly protects light-emitting panels and cable terminals. Includes a strap to prevent loss of the cover.  Leak Alarm Unit as standard equipment The Leak Alarm Unit, which was previously available as an option, is now included as standard equipment. It is effective not only for early detection of underwater flooding accidents, but also for protection of equipment by checking its waterproof performance before entry. CR2032 lithium battery included. Strobe Synchro System The fiber-optic cable connection enables manual firing of the YS strobe. Compatible with optional Sea&Seas “Optical YS Converter S1” which converts the strobe light emission signal of the camera to LED light and synchronizes with the SEA&SEA YS strobe. It is a high-performance converter that does not just emit simple light-emitting signals, but also performs TTL auto light Control. YS strobes can be electrically connected with a sync cord with an optional electrical Connection. Please contact us for any futher questions. Focus Point Movement Settings To perform "focus point operation" during shooting, please make a custom setting for the focus point in the dial customization of the camera in advance. The focus point can be moved by operating the front/rear dial. Other Features The Port Lock prevents the port from turning or loosening and the Port Lock lever is specifically located to avoid being unlocked accidentally. The housing is equipped with a lens-lock release button which makes it possible to change lenses easily, without opening the housing. Pulling out the Focus/Zoom Dial gives sufficient room inside the housing to easily accommodate larger diameter lenses. All controls have luminescence stickers which glow in dark environment. Equipped with the Optical Viewfinder 0.5x as standard. Other optional viewfinders such as the VF180 1.2x, VF45 1.2x and Optical Viewfinder 0.66x, 0.8x can be used. ※Some vignetting occurs.When the VF180 1.2x is mounted on housing, the uper part of the camera's viewfinder cannot be viewed due to vignetting. Equipped with two sacrificial zinc diodes (one on the front case and the other on the rear) to prevent electrolysis damage. Tripod screw mount is located on the centre underside of the housing. Equipped with under guard to protect from scrach.

DX Dome Port 210 AR
210mm diameter Versatile dome port, compatible with various fisheye and wide-angle lenses. Provides the best image quality, including peripheral image quality. Suitable for semi-submersible semi-submersible images. Di.

DX Dome Port 210 AR
230mm in diameter. Versatile optical dome port, compatible with various fisheye and wide-angle lenses. Boasts the best image quality, including peripheral image quality. Suitable for half-underwater-half-topside images. Peripheral image quality will be even better when used with an Internal Correction Lens. Features Uses high quality BK7 crystal glass. Two different anti-reflective coatings are employed to optimize image quality, one for the exterior and the other for the interior of the Optical Domes. A multi-layer coating is used on the dome exteriors and the interior of the domes are coated with silicon-dioxide to effectively suppress flare and ghosting. As a result, the refractive index of each port is reduced to less than 0.01% and the domes produce extremely high-contrast images.

DX Macro Port 90 II
Macro port of the DX port system by Sea&Sea
